7+ Ways Course Creators Use Cialdini Marketing for Higher Conversions

Oh, how refreshing it is…I see inbox gifts of Cialdini-linked marketing. And there’s my friend Jeanette Smith of the jeanettethewriter.com leading the charge. It became all too clear to me watching my monitor… I was taking a master’s class in applying Cialdini’s marketing principles.  Cialdini’s strategy? Was it her planned Houdini to skyrocket her conversions?  […]

7+ Ways Course Creators Use Cialdini Marketing for Higher Conversions Read More »

5 Huge Power Trips of Sales Scripts: Inside Matthew Pollard’s Introvert’s Edge to Selling

You thought you were killin’ it on those discovery or sales calls. You were giving them advice to be what you wished you had 6 years ago. Giving away all the secrets. You were the dictionary picture of active listening. And you emailed them a 3 page take home gift of a summary of your

5 Huge Power Trips of Sales Scripts: Inside Matthew Pollard’s Introvert’s Edge to Selling Read More »

Gut Honest Review: Wealth With God Marketing Under the Periscope (9 Shocking Pros and Cons)

Oncoming! 12 Wealth with God (WWG) email torpedoes. An epic 2-hour infomercial voyage, a sea of screenshots, promised financial treasure maps. Is this God’s $394 a month life preserver or a $1994 digital course Titanic? Sail the faith-guided world of wealth-building, where scriptures splash with monetary ambition. Mammon? Ancient god of lust for money misinterpreted,

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5 Huge Remarkable Life Changing On-Brand Writing Secrets: Your Review of Copyhackers Master of Brand Voice

“Sorry, we went with someone else. Your copy’s good, but it’s not written on-brand.” I was without words. Disgusted… …Spit out tomato basil soup poured onto the greying office floor linoleum. Content and copywriting opportunities always talk about on-brand writing.  But on-brand writing is a fuzzy concept. I thought it meant word choice. Turns out

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Copyhackers 10X Web Copy: 11 Hits and Misses of Gut-Wrenching Honesty in Review

Writing 10X Web Copy that makes web visitor’s gasp, “They know me so well,” and reach for their debit cards.  That’s the kind of training you want your $2K to buy in the 104 lessons of this 10X course.  With copywriter principles of…. One message for one audience reexamined… Will Wiebe’s 10X Webpage Plan get

Copyhackers 10X Web Copy: 11 Hits and Misses of Gut-Wrenching Honesty in Review Read More »

From Behind Bars to Legal Scars to Revolutionary Courtrooms: A Community Advocate’s Journey from Blindness to Sight

“Do you know why the world is so great?” Community advocate, Andy Williams Jr., questioned his audience in Naperville, Illinois. It was poignant timing, May 31, 2020. His address headlined the George Floyd Memorial gathering.  His speech was unlike any other speech on the agenda for that day.   “Because God so loved the world that

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Stung Twice: Back in the Hornet’s Nest…The Gordon Leadership Foundation Story

“Being terminated is not a death sentence.” At times, ambition hits snags. But rarely do these snags come in the form of two dramatic firings. Yet, this was the destiny of once principal, now educator coach, Edward Gordon. “People know the story about me being terminated from a position mainly one time to make the

Stung Twice: Back in the Hornet’s Nest…The Gordon Leadership Foundation Story Read More »

Company Sells Ad Space on Water to Solve Clean Water Crisis with Plans to Build the First Free Supermarket

“These 24 packs are set to take over the world,” FreeWater CEO/Founder Josh Cliffords explained and he wasn’t bragging, “We believe free water is a basic human right.”  That’s because free water is more than a notable cause. For Josh, it’s serious business. And it’s his crusade to end the worldwide clean water shortage.  But

Company Sells Ad Space on Water to Solve Clean Water Crisis with Plans to Build the First Free Supermarket Read More »

5 Overlooked Cons of the Marketing Machine: Tony Robbin’s Rise Summit 2024

Tony Robbin’s four-and-a-half-decade-built brand settles on a foundation of honesty and inclusivity. His advice flows from his self-proclaimed authenticity. This especially comes through as he reveals his hard times. Of course this includes his abusive family life. And his struggles as an entrepreneur. All these have set a firm foundation. You wouldn’t think his marketing

5 Overlooked Cons of the Marketing Machine: Tony Robbin’s Rise Summit 2024 Read More »

2 Weeks Inside of REV’s Story Platform: 7+ Pros and 7+ Cons You Need to Know as Writers

So, you’ve discovered Rev the startup social media platform. You want to know if it’s worth your time as a writer. Read on for the insider perspective. REV Founder, Rachel Jackson brought meaning to social media from Huntsville, Alabama of all places. Still, she did it with two words, “positive social” media. And now, you’ve

2 Weeks Inside of REV’s Story Platform: 7+ Pros and 7+ Cons You Need to Know as Writers Read More »

Forget the Funnel Risk Revealed: Your SaaS Copywriter $ Dream or Nightmare?

King of SaaS. You’ve been that for decades. But one day, you notice…slipping. Your sales? And you’re losing your share of the market. Pouring through research, your jaw shatters on the floor. People aren’t buying your software because they want an all-in-one finance analysis program. Congrats! Their hard-earned cash is yours. But… It’s only because

Forget the Funnel Risk Revealed: Your SaaS Copywriter $ Dream or Nightmare? Read More »

Raw Truth of Solopreneurship: 13 Honest Takeaways from BradLong.co Workshop and Beyond

Solopreneurships are tricky. But free workshops with actionable advice are more so. A lot of advice out there, but let’s be honest, it’s general. Business coaches often keep this specific advisement from you. It’s a strategy they use as they gauge how much you know in a sales call. But the Quiz Funnel that Brad

Raw Truth of Solopreneurship: 13 Honest Takeaways from BradLong.co Workshop and Beyond Read More »

The 7 Huge Copywriter Failures of Bard A.I. in 2023 and How to Fix Them

Ok. Confession. It’s true, that the time saved when using chatbot software is dwarfed if you must stop and verify its sources. The need to factcheck AI is the reality of 2023. Not all their cited sources are wrong.  And their information is frequently spot-on. Sometimes though, the truth is a bit bent. But how?

The 7 Huge Copywriter Failures of Bard A.I. in 2023 and How to Fix Them Read More »

How to Turn Bad Bard Google AI into Your Serial Email Copywriter (9 Steps)

The cursor disappeared.  Google AI Bard awaited feedback.  A tail wagged like a slow windshield wiper as I looked over his answer. Or was that my imagination? The Copyhacker’s Master of AI course was sending me through an AIDA 35-minute copywriting workout. Would I find a rival in Google AI’s Bard? Will you? I called

How to Turn Bad Bard Google AI into Your Serial Email Copywriter (9 Steps) Read More »

Gut Honest Review: Marketing Machine & Method of Breakthrough Guitar (Next 9 Cons)

Breakthrough Guitar (BG) ads are everywhere. And this method has sucked in the internet buzz.  But not everyone’s buying in on the hype. “For real dude. The entire time…(he’s) so vague” and the…(whole).. video ad is just stringing you along and continually mentioning “the secret” without just already saying whatever it is.” A Reddit user

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Gut Honest Review: Marketing Machine & Method of Breakthrough Guitar (First 9 Pros)

Ding! “Another obnoxious Breakthrough Guitar email in my inbox. Snake oil salesman!” Boyd promises to teach you the seven feelings on your guitar. Only seven notes…I haven’t played myself? Doubtful. Sounds too good to be true. Anyone tried it? I can get this joker out of my inbox or my head. Does he have what

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