How to Set Up Your Best Walking Meditation Spotify Playlist

How to Set Up Your Best Walking Meditation Spotify Playlist

When Spotify came out, this service revolutionized music for so many listeners. At last, you had unlimited access to all your favorite songs. And the best part, the price was so reasonable, piracy wasn’t worth it.

But I had no idea that music was the beginning of using this app to its potential.

Here it’s the end of National Meditation Month, and you’ve discovered walking meditation. Well, here’s a secret. Spotify access is the key to master it. Keep reading to see why and how.

Huh, Walking Meditation?

What is walking meditation? Click the arrow above to get a feel for the exercise.

Well, you see it’s the same practice as sitting meditation. The only difference is you’re moving your legs and not sitting on them. Both types give you some of the same health benefits.

Lower stress rates and biofeedback are the known rewards to try meditation. Keep reading this post for more ideas on how Spotify enhances your meditation skills.

Walking Meditation is for You

Beginners of meditation report walking meditation is a fantastic way to build confidence. There’s debate about which stance, walking or sitting, is more beneficial to students.

But plug into Spotify and find out for yourself. Both seated and walking guided meditations make up content on the Spotify airwaves.

You need to know your options before exploring this practice. If you are new to walking meditation, watch this video. Meditation expert, Giovanni Dienstmann created a thorough video to show you each technique. Click the arrow above to learn more.

Giovanni is the author of the best selling book, Practical Meditation, and the blog Live or Dare. Dienstmann’s skilled at breaking down walking meditation theory into practical steps. As you listen to Spotify, audio creators draw from the influence of the Taoist, Zen, and other traditions.

Hook up with Spotify

If you like it on smartphones, you can download Spotify’s Android app right here. For I-phones, click here.

Understand Spotify’s Options

Spotify’s playlist should reflect your meditative style. Here’s an inside look at the tracks this platform has available. This information will save you time and effort. That way, your energy is invested into experiencing a powerful walking meditation.







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Walking meditations vary in their desired movement. Mindfulness meditations concentrate on making slow and deliberate motion. Mindfulness meditations also focus what sensations your body experiences while walking.

These meditations make you aware when your muscles tighten. They help you pay attention to the sensations of your five senses. Each stresses finding an anchor of silence before and after the practice.

The design of other meditations aims to practice biofeedback using quick, walking movement. So, there are many selections available for meditating while walking at a faster pace.


Spotify walking meditation playlists include tracks with or without guidance. There are several walking meditation musical playlists. If that’s what you are looking for, then you can load up and set off on your adventure.

But, if you are looking for a step-by-step guide to help you meditate while walking for cardio, this is the platform for you too. The quality of these recorded normal-speed walking meditations outweighs their lack of variety.


Do you like a more casual tone in your guided walking meditations? You may want a voice with little tonal fluctuation. Listening to a guide’s whisper may get you in the zone.

Is it more soothing to listen to a female or male guide you? Spotify has all these options available to you. Create a mix that samples each tone to give a boost of spontaneity into your practice.


Most guides create slow meditations, but what if you want music and meditation to move you? Spotify offers playlists where you can walk at any speed. Relax, you will still enjoy the wealth of a meditation session.  


Spotify’s walking meditation playlists fit your various surroundings. Their housed meditations guide you anywhere including small gardens, labyrinths, and on nature hikes. 


Spotify walking meditations vary in approach. Some focus on an awareness of what your body feels. Others concentrate on the senses. Then, some samples pull the surrounding scenery into the meditation. Some allow for silence, while others fill recordings with the guide’s directions.

Some recordings bring awareness to all three, your body, senses, and setting.

Whatever your preference, Spotify can deliver.

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Best Mixes for Long Walks

Of the many guided walking meditations on Spotify, Dr. Tanie Miller Kabala is the most eclectic. 

Click here to learn more about her tracks.

She crafts meditations in a soothing voice to practice biofeedback and scenery visualization. You can walk at a normal pace and take part in her meditation with no problems. Also, creatives will like her visual scavenger hunts for shape and color.

Another walking meditation, Circle of Light US, also practices biofeedback and visualization techniques. Select her Walking Meditation track here. Rachel’s voice is sweet to the ear as well. Rachel gives you a unique visualization practice. This is the quality that sets her track apart from others.

Last, Meditation Oasis recorded a how-to-guide with a monotone voice. Their mp3 similarly works well with nontraditional walking meditations.

Click here for more details.

Meditation Oasis’s track sets up a biofeedback technique. Moreover, it invites your eye to notice its surroundings. This track suggests you stay nonjudgmental of your meditative experience. This recording is also compatible with long walks for cardiovascular benefit.

Best Mindfulness Tracks has two tracks ready to help you with traditional walking meditation. These request a slow walking pace and practice biofeedback techniques. Choose from a younger or older, native speaker. Each recording follows the Theravada Buddhist tradition.

Each of these guides practice centering. Both tracks synch breathing and movement. Yet, visualization exercises follow the teachings of Vietnamese Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh. For instance, guide Jon Kabat-Zinn asks you to think of walking as kissing the ground with your feet.

Judith Day has produced another guide to get you through a biofeedback practice and slow walking meditation. Day’s track gives you time to center before and after the activity. She also offers a mantra to help you.

The mantra, she explains, allows you to focus on your body. Day suggests using this mantra, lifting, moving, and placing, as you take steps. Her guidance helps you pay attention to your most subtle movements.

Judith’s meditation as well works toward synching your breathing and steps. 

Musical Mixes

Spotify has instrumentals. These make perfect soundtracks for a walk. These collections play for hours. Be sure to explore these when building your playlist.  

Composer, Kelly Howell, encourages you to get in the zone. She claims listening to gamma rays will get you there. Howell also samples rap, rhythm, chant, and saxophone onto her two tracks. 

Kelly’s mp3 is suited for speed walking. Howell’s recording lasts twenty-eight minutes long. She includes a gamma-ray warm-up and cooldown. 

Tune into the musician, Myles Lasco. His instrumentals offer a unique, walking meditative experience. His mix has a gamma-ray sample also.  His tone color moves your ears into new musical destinations. It’s eerie, yet this soundtrack breathes strange life into your speed walk.

Roll the Ending Credits

Walking and seated meditation offer stress-release, anxiety defense, and mindfulness practice. Beginners like this practice. They report it’s easier to turn your focus inward to your body when your feet are moving.

Spotify allows you to play mp3’s to help you personalize your walking meditation. Combine this post’s info and Spotify’s tracks to create a customized walking meditation playlist.

Take this opportunity to download Spotify using the links on this page. Enjoy its free membership music catalog. Spotify’s housed music and how-to-guides will bring your meditative skills to higher levels.

Comment below if you have discovered more useful content on Spotify. Especially comment if you’ve found better walking meditations. Please like and share if you enjoyed this post. It’s surprising only a few know about this beneficial practice. Let’s spread the word.